07 January, 2010

...when the walls come down!

Ahhh....the day is finally (almost) here. Today is the day that the wall between my dining room and kitchen came down. Woo!! Words can't express how much I loathed this wall and relish in its demise!

The workers got to my place around 9:30...by 9:45 they were already going to town and there was exposed brick. These guys did not mess around. By 4:30...the wall was GONE! Granted, they need to come back tomorrow and finish framing the out opening and plug up the gaping hole to my basement, but I am oh-so-happy with what's been done thus far.

Now, I expected to come home and find the bathroom pipes exposed  in the middle of the room, but lo and behold - a plumber magically appeared and moved them! (Okay, he didn't magically appear, but he was summoned by the contractors and made the problem disappear rather quickly.) However, I did come home to a big, fat mess. (Apparently they're coming with a shop-vac tomorrow.)

Can't wait for the rest to be done, although I expect to be doing a LOT of cleaning this weekend.

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