In addition to attracting urban girls who can't afford Center City, my new neighborhood also attracts hipsters. That being said, two friends came down on Saturday so we could check out some bars/hangouts in the new ‘hood. The evening was pretty uneventful, which was fine considering I got home around 3am the night before.
Bar #1 - Lucky 13:
I really liked this bar and will definitely be going back. It was small, but not overcrowded (even on a Saturday night), they had Magner’s cider, good music/jukebox selection, and a bunch of TVs (which were playing Tremors – always good for a laugh). We didn’t order anything, but the food that was being served looked tasty.
It was marginally hipster, but I felt neither old, nor lame. Added bonus – it’s about two blocks from my house.
Bar #2 - Stogie Joe’s:
Also about two blocks from my house, but not on my list of places to return. We didn’t even order drinks. As my friend K said, “it reminds me of a bar in Bensalem.”
Bar #3 - Pub on Passyunk East, a.k.a. POPE:
Hel-lo hipster mecca. I kinda knew this going in, but the sea of fixies out front sealed it. We walked in and BAM – into a wall of people. Correction – wall of hipsters.
We found a corner to wedge ourselves in and ordered drinks - bonus for them having Magner’s. (We attempted to sit down, but were shooed away by the wait staff.) Of course, someone next to us was drinking a token PBR. We finished our drinks and headed out, past a guy in a TNF ski jacket with its hood up.
I have mixed feelings about POPE. I think I’d go back and try the food (which I hear is good)…but I will probably not be going back on a Saturday night around midnight. I am just not cool enough and can't resist the urge to poke fun at the rampant skinny jeans wearing.
All in all, an enjoyable evening getting the lay of my new land, which is slowly growing on me. Slowly.
Well now I know how to dress for bars in your area! Tshirts and Jeans it is!