Yes, my friends - Inmate Mail. PA Department of Corrections.
I've hidden the name to protect the "guilty."
I immediately looked at the recipient's name thinking...well, lots of things, none politically correct, but mainly, "Why is this in my hands right now? Did I make a new friend that nobody told me about?"
My eyes darted over to the "To" section of the envelope. Nope. Not my name. Not the previous owner's (legal) name. Hmm. Why do I have mail from a prison? In addition to being cursed, my house also attracts inmate mail? I hope that's not why the house was so cheap. (just. kidding.)
I put it down intending to just "return to sender"...but only after I posted about it of course. So I picked it up again, and then I looked closely at the address... Right house number - wrong street. Not intended for my house. :)
Naturally as I was putting this together I googled the inmate's name in case one of my neighbors was corresponding with a news-worthy criminal. Nothing came up. Unfortunately. (What? I google everyone.) I just drop it back in the mail box as I had planned...OR do I go awkwardly drop it off around the corner at its intended destination?
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